Fast and reliable booms for oil spill incidents
Markleen supplies AllMaritim of Norway with new protection oil containment booms for use within the Norwegian capital’s port facilities.
Providing the most efficient means to combat an oil spill in the shortest time possible, and with minimal personnel, has always been one of Markleen’s top priorities when designing and manufacturing equipment to clean-up of oil spills, hydrocarbons and other substances.
Markleen self-expandable containment booms were the model chosen by AllMaritim to protect some important installations within the port of Oslo. The supply consisted of 475 m of Seamaster 850 boom on a MOS25 reel, along with all necessary ancillary equipment.
The equipment was commissioned by Markleen technicians in July, when all 475 m of boom were deployed. Towing and dock isolating exercises were also performed.
Self-expandable containment booms
The containment boom was manufactured to a new design and features the new EVATEX fabric, offering superior resistance to tears and chemicals.
It also incorporates a new breather system and vertical reinforcements to improve its reliability.
The SEAMASTER boom inflates automatically as it comes off the hydraulic boom reel. No extra equipment or manual opening of valves is necessary, and the whole operation can be performed by just one person.
This new delivery adds the port of Oslo to the list of major port facilities already protected by the Seamaster boom.