Auxiliary equipment

Auxiliary equipment

Our goal is to avoid and minimize pollution, as well as provide the most effective means of intervention when accidents occur. This means that we offer a complete set of systems.

The equipment manufactured covers all the needs of pollution containment and recovery operations, so we can offer a complete solution to any public or private organization at risk of suffering a spill.

Supply of complete spill cleanup packages, with all items included. Many products require auxiliary equipment such as hydraulic reels for containment booms, hydraulic power plants to drive hydraulic equipment, transfer pumps or cages and storage containers.

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bg waves footer | Hydraulic power packs Markleen | Soluciones a derrames en el medio marino, industria y otros sectores
favicon markleen | Hydraulic power packs Markleen | Soluciones a derrames en el medio marino, industria y otros sectores


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