ECOBAG | ECOBAG Markleen | Soluciones a derrames en el medio marino, industria y otros sectores

Towable floating tank for the temporary storage of oil

The ECOBAG is a foldable, towable, floating bladder that can be quickly deployed for the temporary storage and towing of recovered oil.


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The ECOBAG is extremely strong, durable and lightweight and requires very little maintenance. It is compact, easy to transport and maneuverable even in difficult operating conditions.

icono ecobag | ECOBAG Markleen | Soluciones a derrames en el medio marino, industria y otros sectores





Nearshore operations

Unfortunately many oil spills generate pollution on or near the shore. The very shallow draft of the ECOBAG makes it an ideal solution for temporary storage in confined areas such as estuaries, rivers and marshes. If access to the shore from the sea is not possible, an ECOBAG can be deployed and filled on the beach if it is flat and even.

Spill response operations

Having a large storage volume such as that provided by the ECOBAG will greatly maximise the amount of oil collected in the first critical hours of any post-spill operation. The ECOBAG is designed to increase the storage capacity of small pollution response vessels. Depending on operational requirements, the ECOBAG can be towed alongside or behind the vessel. The ECOBAG can be deployed manually, by crane or from a dedicated reel and is ready in less than 5 minutes.

Emergency emptying:

In the event of a grounding or collision, an ECOBAG can provide additional storage to minimise spillage. Often, only a small proportion of the contents of a damaged tank, transferred quickly, can avert a major disaster. Due to its light weight and compact size, the ECOBAG can be transported by helicopter to the site of operation.



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