NOFI Boom Bag

Nofi BoomBag 3 | NOFI Boom Bag Markleen | Soluciones a derrames en el medio marino, industria y otros sectores

High speed towable system for rapid boom deployment.

The NOFI BoomBag is specially designed to provide rapid response with minimal towing vessel and personnel requirements.


full img NofiBoomBag | NOFI Boom Bag Markleen | Soluciones a derrames en el medio marino, industria y otros sectores


The speed with which you react to a problem often determines whether the oil spill will be a minor incident or turn into a disaster. BoomBag is specially designed to provide a quick response with minimal requirements for vessels and personnel. The ECOSOLID solid buoyancy boom is zigzag packed inside the NOFI BoomBag and is a robust, quality, cylindrical boom produced from the finest materials. The NOFI BoomBag can be stored on a dockside for immediate deployment. It can also be stored on a trailer for overland transport or in a warehouse using a forklift for transport to the dock in the event of a spill.

icono nofi boom bag | NOFI Boom Bag Markleen | Soluciones a derrames en el medio marino, industria y otros sectores



The NOFI BoomBag can be towed at a speed of 15 kn by any vessel. Once the working site of the boom is reached, a restraining line, launched from the towing vessel, starts the deployment, in a straight line or forming a curved fence if necessary. The deployment time of 150 m of ECOSOLID 350 is less than 5 min.


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