Industrial sorbent spill kits

Industrial spill kits to accidental spills of oil, fuel, chemicals or any other type of liquid

Spill kits for factories, workshops and warehouses.

Used to clean up oil, fuel or chemical spills as well as any other liquid. Markleen‘s easy to use multi-format spill control kits can be placed in strategic locations at workplaces.

Spill kits absorbentes industriales cover | Industrial sorbent spill kits Markleen | Soluciones a derrames en el medio marino, industria y otros sectores



Industrial sorbents can be oleophilic and hydrophobic for use with oil and fuel only, or can be suitable fo use with all liquids, including chemicals.

icono spill kits absorbentes industriales | Industrial sorbent spill kits Markleen | Soluciones a derrames en el medio marino, industria y otros sectores





Supplied in strong plastic cases for keeping at a designated company clean-up point, these spill kits, depending on capacity, are made up of sorbent pillows, socks, mats and rolls, as well as gloves and waste bags to have everything on hand in one place.

Ecosorb® industrial sorbent spill kits come in total absorption capacities of 200 or 675 litres.



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