Course on Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response
On 14th and 15th July 2020, Markleen took part in an IMO (International Maritime Organization) model course on Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response for Operational Staff (Level 1), organised at the Spanish coast guard (Salvamento Marítimo) “Jovellanos” training centre located in Gijón, northern Spain.
Markleen participated in the classroom training as part of this course, which centred on response systems and techniques and oil spill response equipment (booms and barriers).
Lessons covered subjects such as containment boom connectors and use of booms with skimmers, anchoring systems, interconnection of equipment, criteria and procedures for the use of equipment and products, the effects of tides and currents, cleaning and preserving equipment, basic precautions, operational limits and equipment usage criteria in ports and along coastlines.
Markleen staff were also involved in the practical training, which covered:
- Deployment, recovery and towage of booms and barriers
- Deployment of deflection booms. Boom anchoring
- Fixing booms to a dockside using tide compensators
- Use of various types of skimmer
- Assembling and dismantling “EasyTank” type portable tanks
Markleen, a manufacturer of marine oil spill reponse equipment, is regularly involved in the training of operational staff in the use and maintenance of oil spill equipment. We can also advise you on the use of exisiting equipment and carry out repairs if necessary, not only of our own equipment but also of that made by other manufacturers.